Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Don't Be That Girl

          We all know one (or many) of those girls who seem to bring their sob story with them everywhere they go. They're constantly looking for sympathy from other people about how their life is so hard and they can never seem to catch a break. We listen to them cry about how they're always the victim, and anything bad that happens is never their fault. Well of course you don't want to be (and hopefully aren't) that girl. That girl needs to be shipped to her own island with a box of tissues and some self-help books.
          Now, let's talk about another girl that you don't need to be. This girl is the one who goes through life looking for sympathy, not from other people, but from herself. She looks at the amazing things that other people have done and let's out a sigh as she wishes that she could be that talented, motivated, etc.. This is the girl who just is. She takes what's given to her, she doesn't ask questions. She doesn't want to get in anyone's way. If this girl could be described as a color, that color would be beige. And not even the beige that can look good when paired with other colors. This is the beige that has absolutely nothing to contribute to any color palette whatsoever. This girl whom you do not want to be is the one who does what's absolutely necessary, and nothing more. Dreaming is just something this girl does at night. This is the girl who will look back on her life when she's an old lady sitting in her beige living room and wish that she could have gone on at least one adventure.
          Ok, so now that we've established who that banal girl is, let's talk about why you are not that girl. You are not that girl, because you decide not to be that girl. You have dreams, and every day you make the choice to work your cute little butt off to achieve those dreams. You are not that girl, because you know that you can do anything you want to. No one needs to give you permission to be happy. No one needs to hand you the opportunity. You are not going to sit around and wait to be affected. You are going to go out and affect the world. Because, darling, you are not that girl.

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